began as a passionate mission and now enjoys a growing readership.
Many visitors have written to ask how they could help
GoodNewsIndia [GNI]. Here are some ways you can.
the word:
main purpose of GNI is to persuade that there is a huge invisible,
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back and follow-up:
delightful reward would be to receive your feedback. Please
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travel and hotel information.] And oh yes, do send your flattering mail ! !
nicest stories to hear from you are those about how a project you
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mention GNI when you write to them. That would be my pay
have wanted to keep the visitor experience uncluttered and quiet.
Somehow flashy advertisements hustle and intrude. Advertisers' interest may also conflict with GNI's.
GNI will not be an open house for advertisers, will not trade
visitors' email addresses, and will not exchange links without the greatest care and
raises the money issue. How does GNI finance itself? Some visitors
have written offering money.My
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After much consideration, I have also decided to recommend in this quiet
corner of the site some products and services that might be of
interest to visitors. If you patronise them, GNI will get a modest
commission. Therefore, I hope you would.
you will find links to LinkSky and Amazon.
the coming months I may affiliate GNI with other reputed online merchants who may be of interest to the well wishers of GoodNewsIndia
- - D V
Sridharan, January 20, 2002