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In a Goa beyond visitors’ eyes[continued]

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Bernie and Greg continued their dialogue. Perhaps their disillusionment was because they were either working within restrictive confines or against insurmountable odds. That need not imply there was no meaningful, selfless service required by people out there. Perhaps too, they must identify small groups of people and help them rise, without fancying themselves as God's or Nature's sole missionaries. They perhaps had to redefine their lives' goals. They spent hours talking. They explored Vipassana meditation. They married in 1993 and decided to move to Greg's ancestral home near Margao in Goa. They had no work plan.

Bernie and Greg continued their dialogue. Perhaps their disillusionment was because they were either working within restrictive confines or against insurmountable odds. That need not imply there was no meaningful, selfless service required by people out there. Perhaps too, they must identify small groups of people and help them rise, without fancying themselves as God's or Nature's sole missionaries. They perhaps had to redefine their lives' goals. They spent hours talking. They explored Vipassana meditation. They married in 1993 and decided to move to Greg's ancestral home near Margao in Goa. They had no work plan.

In 1997 -- four years after their arrival in Margao, Goa--, Jan Ugahi was registered as a charitable trust. Student volunteers from colleges began to drop by. Greg returned to his passion-- giving tuitions. And Bernie to hers-- standing up for rights. They went on picnics, staged plays, held sports meets, celebrated festivals, sang, danced and cooked and ate. People came over from other slums in Saddu Bandh, Malbhat, Aquem Bandh and Santan Chawl.

A 'Childline' was set up to handle calls related to offences against children. Jan Ugahi volunteers began to man it. On March 19, 2001 Bernie manning the Childline, heard her nagging worry coming true as a nightmare. She dragged the police to arrest 71 year old Briton, Middleton Colin John at a guest house in Benaulim. He had two Nepalese boys in his bedroom. He was charged with paedophilia related offences. Elsewhere on the same day, a 63 year old Goan, Lawrence Fernandes was arrested on similar charges. Goa was rudely waken up to the reality of child abuse that the new affluence was bringing.

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