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Apr 14, 2006 : Lessons from Daurala 

Globalisation that spawns much evil, has also created many tools and resources for grassroots activists

Mar 06, 2006 : Strategies for biodiesel 

Large scale jatropha farms may be wrong solutions. Biodiesel producing algae may be a better option.

Dec 14, 2005 : VAT as reflected on Indian democracy 

The process by which Value Added Tax has gained acceptance in India, illustrates the robustness of its democracy.

Dec 07, 2005 : Surveying the recycling scene 

Available ways to profitably convert plastic waste into products, plus a delightful use for soiled currency notes.

Nov 13, 2005 : Approaches to a water economy 

Instead of dreaming up big dams that are proven disasters, why not consider these proven successes for adaption.

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