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Jul 28, 2006 : Water harvesting via the Internet 

Ooranis are people friendly, low cost, sustainable solutions for drinking water, based on rain water harvesting.

Jun 15, 2006 : A white elephant turns pink 

The Indian Railways is no longer the perennial loss maker of yore, but an engine of innovation and profit

May 13, 2006 : Novel energy options 

Here are some promising paths that lead away from fossil fuel dependance, towards a sustainable energy future

May 08, 2006 : Their home is a school every evening 

Unfussy couple Savitri Kannan and his wife Kamalam turn their home every evening into a learn and play centre for 150 poor children in Chennai

Apr 19, 2006 : Jantar Mantar: India’s Sphinx 

To demonise Medha Patkar is to behead a bearer of unpalatable messages. She is a required force in India today.

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