Return to nature,
to your roots,
to your centre,
to harvest
and contentment.
Return in thanks,
for the gifts
received in life.
Do return.
The point is to return.
Recent articles:
The story so far and the road ahead |
Pongamia: a mid-course check |
The Grand Spirits of India |
Out of ‘10 and into ‘11 |
What moves pointReturn |
Beginning to grow |
Falling in love with swales |
The new pavilion at pointReturn |
Status report: June, 2009 |
Adventures with the Rocket Stove |
Trees at pointReturn |
Permaculture : an interlude |
Exploring cob |
Large water storage - a solution |
Off grid power |
Vetiver : an interlude |
A spell of inaction |
Was it the week that oil peaked? |
A planting plan |
State of the rains, 2007 |
Rock harvest |
Gandhigram : An interlude |
A pond is born |
Building with local materials |
One year on |
Water on high |
Planning a pond |
Long time at base camp |
Water realities |
A windpump arrives at pointReturn |
The road runs its course |
Aaraasur: an interlude |
Forming a road |
India, browning |
We made a picnic of it, though |
The fence grows a little |
Status report: March,2007 |
Water ahoy! |
A hiatus |
A way west |
Consulting a traditional builder |
Vetiver - how to plant it |
Divining for water |
Two-pit composting latrines are best for tropics |
Status report: Oct. 2006 |
Nature as a capitalist |
Biofuel concerns |
Virtues of vetiver |
Using an A-Frame to trace contours |
The arcana of buying land |
Prayer and worship |
Open Source Offices |
On first seeing Vellimalai |
The hunt for an earth canvas |
What is pointReturn? |