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Class, caste and gender injustices that prevail in India are well known and are regularly highlighted. Yet, there are many processes of change, rebellion and transformation going on. Maybe, we tend not to notice them because change in India is very commonplace and all around us.

Battling for governanceparivartan

Parivartan's unknown little Indians like Santosh, have fought to clear the thickets to form tracks to good governance.[May,2005]

Young voices risingcwc

Nandana Reddy and Damu Acharya have approached the issue of India's working children by creating activists from children's own ranks.[Oct,2004]

Staring down droughtsdharwad

Amidst the gloom of droughts and suicides, we have this transformation of farmers who will look a drought in its eye.[Aug,2004]

Making Village Republics happen.elango

The success of Rangaswamy Elango at Kuthambakkam village justifies the hope that Gram Swaraj will yet bloom all across India.[Jun,2003]

Cutting through with blades of grass.Grass Economy

The village of Bawani in the Uttaranchal Himalayas has transformed its life-style and economy in just five years.[Jul,2002]

A self-help scheme takes off soon as popular imagination is kindled.Gadge Maharaj

In Maharashtra, rural folk part with their own funds to make a scheme named after Gadge Maharaj a success.[Jun,2002]

UNICEF creates a loveable girl to persuade Bihar on gender issues.

'Meena' as portrayed by Rupa Singh is causing Bihar to focus on the rights of the girl child [Dec,2001]

Elected women administrators are making a difference in local governments.

33% reservation for women in local bodies is paying off [Aug, 2001]

The overdue reforms of Indian prisons get a start at Tihar.

Kiran Bedi's police heart was modified by her femininity when posted at the Tihar prisons [Jul, 2001]

Gulabo is leading her ancient community into the modern world

Kalbeliyas now believe in education and look for opportunities in a modernising India [Feb, 2001]

People in India begin to believe doors will open

The story of Pandey, who went from being a guard to a doctorate with help along the way, is not unique but typical of India today [Sep,2000]

A government hospital is reborn

Maharaja Yashwantrao  hospital in Indore cleans up and is preferred ahead of private hospitals [Aug,2000]

Dr Chirinjeev Kathuria is a sample of Indian entrepreneurship

As long as she produces leaders like Kathuria, India will easily make the transition from a closed to an open economy.[May,2000]