An extended interview with the pointReturn team was conducted by Surveysan, a reader and well-wisher. Read it in full here
What moves pointReturnAn extended interview with the pointReturn team was conducted by Surveysan, a reader and well-wisher. Read it in full here 8 comments on What moves pointReturn |
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After gate-crashing on to your site just by chance, it seems unfair to leave without registering my intrusion. The world has an abundance of preachers, but faces an acute shortage of practitioners. Congratulations.
Just read your article. Nice. I have been growing on very depleted land by adding sea water. Works great
It has been good to learn the great things you have been doing. One regret. I am not seeing as many videos as I (all of us, the followers) would like to see about your great work and the farm in your site and YouTube etc. a picture can say thousand words and a video a million!
how great it would have been to see a few videos of the rainfalls and how pointreturn is growing by time etc?
are you listening?
It was nice to read thoughts of those noble hearts.
They are devoted to their thoughts. I have started reading this blog just recently and now it has become part of my life.
I too have a dream to be living with nature, rather than in a metro city. Whenever I read this blog it inspires me and keeps me alive so that my dream will come true some day.
I will definitely visit these great people in few months .
Best regards,
Insightful interview.
As all of us barrel ahead in our journey of life, it is inspirational that some dare to step off the headlong rush over the waterfall and quite possibly savor the journey more.
I know from personal experience that there are definitely moments in life when everything is peaceful and we are in tune with ourselves. Towards this, sometimes one has to make the choice of getting off the treadmill and I believe that DV, Sriram, Karpagam,Siddarth and now Surveysan are working towards that. They are kind to share their adventure and I enjoy the blog very much.
To comment on the question whether they have made an impact, I believe that DV answered it very well and yes, the only person you can really change is yourself. I hope and pray that your journey is a long and peaceful one. Will continue to look forward to the blog and articles.
I enjoyed reading the interview very much. It is wonderful to have such a full perspective. In fact, I would like to read an interview every six months or so as a regular way to check in and find out the goings on at pR. What I didn’t find however, and I am curious about, is that there must be hardships in making this kind of transition from urban to rural living. There must be conveniences missed, and if nothing else, the close proximity of friends and family. Perhaps you will offer some thoughts on these things as time progresses. Life in most places offers us a combination of experiences and when these are all embraced and expressed, the good and the bad, our lives are better for it.
thanks DV, for the broadcast.
thanks for the translation
The Q&A session was very informative. I am part of something similar- not farming- and had come into it kicking and screaming. So it was nice to hear that Karpagam had much ease coming into this life style. For me the most important thing I have learned these fives years returning to India is, that a simple life style, less wants and less consumption is what is needed. No matter where your are – Delhi Denver or Denmark – this attitude towards the earth and oneself is needed the most. Most other things will fall into place. If that means you want a vocation of farming that is all more good, just like medicine and engg is not for al,l so too is farming. Great site and candid answers that hopefully prompt others to start thinking on these line; that would be great.