pointReturn is a work in progress; and, a lot of work is in progress, borne by few people who have little time to spare.
It is not a finished work yet, and it won’t be for many years, if then.
The short point is, we are hard-worked and cannot welcome people at all times.
Here’s what you can do if you are interested in this project:
1- Browse this site and this blog and you should have most of your questions answered.
2- if you wish to only meet me D V Sridharan, that can usually be done in Chennai city, provide you mail two weeks ahead.
3-If you still want to visit, send an eMail by clicking this link and someone will always respond within two days and give you a number to call.
4- Once you call, we can plan a time for a visit, but please…
a- don’t say you have just that day and want to come over immediately. We simply can’t handle same-day requests. Mail at least two weeks ahead
b- be prepared to come over on a weekday between 3 and 5pm- Monday to Friday; no weekends please.
c- don’t bring anything packed in plastic, either for yourself – or for us :0)
Sorry, if this seems rude or unfriendly; we have been quite stressed lately by too many curious visitors who have done neither their homework nor reflected on our position.
Thank you for understanding!