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The Grand Spirits of India

Led by people like him, Indians today are, as much a lost people, as a humiliated one, because we have been made to believe that our ancient traditional values are not relevant any more. Among those values were frugality, fear of debt, backyard gardens, respect for the seasons and the right things to do by them. Together, they add up to an ecologically sensitive life. Abandoning these, we seek to model ourselves on aggressive societies bred during the Industrial Revolution, with little hope of ever matching the muscular efficiency of the industrialised societies. No doubt the economy matters, and technology too, but because the environment matters most of all, all human action must be in service of the Spirits. Therein would lie a wholesome religious life. If instead we turn to the exclusive worship of mammon, as we seem to now, the spurned Grand Spirits will prevail and cast away man.

Ross Island Andaman 4140024

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3 comments on The Grand Spirits of India
  • pointR

    thank you for writing, sunil.
    i am no expert scholar, but i believe ‘light’ is a part of ‘agni’

  • sunil barot

    “Only one quality can be seen in space: it can reverberate sound, but we cannot touch it, taste it, smell it… Space can only cause an atmosphere for creating a vibration of sound; so, as nothing else is possible there, Sound alone is the quality of space.

    If you mean space is one without air or any other material than it is not true to say that sound vibrations are created in space. Yes you can say light vibrations are possible without any material. I strongly feel that “light” is one that is very significant and missed entirely in PMB.

  • I think we meet in some plane of reverence for the sub-continents’ emergent behaviour that kept it sustained. (I wrote something on the same lines about the Indian Evolutionary Stable Strategy, you’ve called “IT”: http://sunson.livejournal.com/208432.html

    There are, though, several cases of such sustainable strategem, of which the Indian context is just one of them. However, what is unique is that the Indian strategy built symbols and left enough of those symbols around. Inspite of the cultural clashes over the years and inspite of its mutations and loss of ‘diversity’ of thought, the texts, messages and symbols still stand, waiting for us to rediscover them.

    Once the finger has pointed to the moon, we shall not need the finger anymore. I’m hopeful, once again, after reading your inspiring writing.





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